Microscopy and Fluid Inclusion Laboratory – Instrumentation

Major Instrumentation

HC5-LM Hot-Cathode Optical CL Microscope

HC5-LM Hot-Cathode Optical CL Microscope

The HC5-LM hot-cathode CL microscope by Lumic Special Microscopes, Germany, allows inspection of carbon-coated thin or thick sections under electron bombardment. The microscope is operated at 14 kV with a current density of ca. 10 µA mm-2. The system is based on an Olympus BXFM-ILHS microscope equipped with 4x, 5x, 10x, and 20x objectives. True color CL images are captured using a Teledyne Luminera Infinity 5-5 digital camera connected to a Dell OptiPlex 7090 computer.

The microscope was purchased in 2010 through a donation by Chevron Corporation. The vacuum system was updated in 2020 through purchase of an Edwards nXDS dry-scroll pump. The Teledyne Luminera camera and attached computer were aquired in 2021.

Location: Mines Microscopy and Fluid Inclusion Laboratory
Manual: HC5-LM CL microscope
Publication: Please refer to Neuser (1995) on the optical CL system when writing method descriptions.

Renishaw in Via Reflex Spectrometer

Renishaw in Via Reflex Spectrometer

A Renishaw inVia Reflex spectrometer is used for CL spectroscopy. Coupling to the hot-cathode optical CL microscope is achieved with a custom-build fiber-optical system.

Location: Mines Microscopy and Fluid Inclusion Laboratory

Olympus BX51 Optical Microscope and Fluid Inc. Gas-Flow Heating and Freezing Stage

Olympus BX51 Optical Microscope and Fluid Inc. Gas-Flow Heating and Freezing Stage

Fluid inclusion petrography is conducted using an Olympus BX51 microscope that is equipped with 5x and 10x objectives and an x-y stage. A 40x super long working distance brightfield objective with correction collar is available for high-magnification microscopy. Microthermometric data on fluid inclusions are collected using a Fluid Inc.-adapted U.S. Geological Survey gas-flow heating and freezing stage that is calibrated using synthetic fluid inclusions. Freezing temperatures measured on the system are accurate to 0.1°C. The accuracy of heating measurements ranges from approximately 2°C at 200°C to approximately 10°C at temperatures above 600°C. Imaging of fluid inclusion and their textural settings is conducted using a Leice Flexacam C1 with an attached Dell OptiPlex 7480 computer. An Optronics Microfire A/R camera is used for the inspection of fluid inclusions using IR in selected opaque minerals (e.g. stibnite and enargite).

Location: Mines Microscopy and Fluid Inclusion Laboratory
Manual: Gas-flow stage

Olympus BX53 Optical Microscope

Olympus BX53 Optical Microscope

An Olympus BX53 microscope is used for transmitted and reflected light microscopy. The microscope is equipped with 2.5x, 4x, 10x, 20x, and 50x objectives and a rotating stage. An oil immersion 100x objective is used for high-magnification microscopy and imaging. The microscope was acquired in 2020. A Leica Flexacam C1 camera and attached Dell OptiPlex 7480 computer are used for imaging.

Location: Mines Microscopy and Fluid Inclusion Laboratory

Nikon Eclipse LV100Pol Optical Microscope

Nikon Eclipse LV100Pol Optical Microscope

A Nikon Eclipse LV100Pol microscope is available for transmitted and reflected light microscopy. The microscope is equipped with 2x, 4x, 10x, 20x, and 50x objectives and a rotating stage. A Leica Flexacam C1 camera and attached Dell OptiPlex 7480 computer are used for imaging.

Location: Mines Microscopy and Fluid Inclusion Laboratory

Zeiss SteREO Discovery.V12 Stereomicroscope

Zeiss SteREO Discovery.V12 Stereomicroscope

Stereomicroscopy is conducted with a Zeiss SteREO Discovery.V12 microscope that is equipped with two KL2500 LCD fiber-optic illuminators. An X-Cite Series 120Q illuminator allows fluorescence microscopy. Imaging is conducted with a Zeiss AxioCam MRc5 attached to a Dell Precision T1700 computer.

Acquisition of the stereomicroscope was made possible by Devon Energy and Carl Zeiss Microscopy LLC in 2017.

Location: Mines Microscopy and Fluid Inclusion Laboratory
Manual: Manual SteREO Discovery

Additional Instrumentation

Dino-Lite Hand-Held Microscopes

Dino-Lite Hand-Held Microscopes

Macrophotography is conducted using Dino-Lite digital microscopes. An AM4113TL-M40 handheld microscope is available allowing imaging at 5x to 40x magnification with a wide field of view and a long working distance. The system allows image acquisition at 1.3 megapixels. In addition, an AM7013MZT handheld microscope is used for imaging at up to 200x magnification. The microscope captures incredibly detailed images having 5.0 megapixels. A BL-ZW1 backlight pad is available for thin section photography. The microscopes are run with a Dell OptiPlex 7480 computer.

Location: Mines Microscopy and Fluid Inclusion Laboratory