About Us
The team of researchers at the CMRS is working collaboratively toward the shared vision to become the global leader in ore deposit research. CMRS’s research activities integrate field studies, state-of- the-art laboratory investigations, and thermodynamic and laboratory modeling. Our field sites are located on six continents. The CMRS has an unparalleled laboratory infrastructure for geochemical, mineralogical, isotopic, and geochronological research. The research conducted addresses fundamental science questions on how ore deposits are formed in different tectonic settings throughout Earth’s history. The high quality research at the CMRS is of direct relevance to the exploration and mining industry and many of the graduate studies conducted at the CMRS are industry-supported.
The CMRS supports Mine’s educational mission, providing unparalleled research opportunities to graduate students in economic geology. Field education and classroom instruction allow students to accelerate in CMRS’s stimulating and multicultural learning environment. The CMRS houses some of the world’s most advanced analytical facilities allowing students to conduct fundamental and industry-driven applied research. Close relationships with industry companies allow students to meet and work closely with industry personnel. The CMRS also offers a wide range of training opportunities for industry professionals wishing to increase their knowledge in ore deposit geology and exploration methods. Our past students now occupy many key positions in the exploration and mining industries, in academia, and government agencies.
Societal Impact
Modern technology-based societies rely on the discovery, development, and production of mineral resources. The U.S. economy alone requires vast amounts of metals. Despite recycling, a significant proportion of the demand for metals has to be met through mining. Easily mined ore deposits are quickly declining, requiring discovery and exploitation of new resources in the deep subsurface or in remote locations. Potential future scarcity of metals is not only limited to rare high-tech metals such as the much discussed rare earth metals, but also by more common metals such as iron, aluminum, and the base metals. The criticality of resources represents one of the largest challenges for our society. The research conducted at the CMRS provides key answers helping to overcome this challenge.