Stable Isotope Facility – Sample Preparation

Drilling and Hand-Picking

Dremel 3000 and 400XPR

Dremel Drilling System

The laboratory is equipped with Dremel 3000 and 400XPR systems allowing subsampling of sulfides, sulfates, or carbonates from rock samples or billets through microdrilling.

Location: Mines Stable Isotope Laboratory

Leica S6E Binocular Microscope

Leica S6E Binocular Microscope

The laboratory is equipped with a Leica S6E binocular microscope for sample inspection and hand-picking of mineral separates.

Location: Mines Stable Isotope Laboratory

Sample Preparation Equipment

Fritsch Pulverisette 7 on a table

Fritsch Pulverisette 7 Premium

This planetary micro ball mill is a high-performance all-rounder in routine laboratory work. Loss-free comminution is possible for a wide range of materials. The mill reaches relative rotational speeds of up to 2,200 rpm and centrifugal accelerations of 95 times the force of gravity

Location: Mines Stable Isotope Laboratory

Fritsch Pulverisette 23

Fritsch Pulverisette 23

The ultra-compact mill is ideal for fine comminution of smallest quantities of medium-hard, brittle and moist samples (wet, dry, or cryogenic). Its special spherical grinding bowl ensures a high performance in grinding, mixing, and homogenizing.

Location: Mines Stable Isotope Laboratory

Fritsch CPX3800 Ultrasonic Bath

Fritsch CPX3800 Ultrasonic Bath

The ultrasonic bath is used to clean glass ware used in stable isotope analysis. This is a tabletop system that has a capacity of 5.7 L.

Location: Mines Stable Isotope Laboratory

Rotanta 460 Centrifuge

Rotanta 460 Centrifuge

This high performance centrifuge has a maximum capacity of 4×750 ml, with a maximum of 15,000 rotations per minute and a maximum relative centrifugal force of 24,400 g.

Location: Mines Stable Isotope Laboratory

Labconco Feezone 1.0 Benchtop Freeze Drying System

Labconco Feezone 1.0 Benchtop Freeze Drying System

This system is used to freeze dry wet samples. The system has a capacity of 1.0 L and a collector temperature of -50°C. Samples are loaded into a clear sample chamber. The freeze drying system is attached to an Edwards RV3 vacuum pump.

Location: Mines Stable Isotope Laboratory

Thermo Scientific FB1415M Thermolyne Benchtop Muffle Furnace

Thermo Scientific FB1415M Thermolyne Benchtop Muffle Furnace

The furnace has a heating area of 2.1 L and can be operated over a temperature range of 100 to 1100°C.

Location: Mines Stable Isotope Laboratory

Thermo Scientific F48010 Thermolyne Benchtop Muffle Furnace

Thermo Scientific F48010 Thermolyne Benchtop Muffle Furnace

The furnace has a heating area of 5.8 L and can be operated over a temperature range of 100 to 1200°C.

Location: Mines Stable Isotope Laboratory

Lab-Line Model 3512 Drying Oven

Lab-Line Model 3512 Drying Oven

The oven is used to dry samples prior to loss-on-ignition or isotopic analysis.

Location: Mines Stable Isotope Laboratory

Denver Instrument SI-4002

Denver Instrument SI-4002

This balance is used for larger sample weights (up to 4000 g at a readability of 0.01 g).

Location: Mines Stable Isotope Laboratory

Mettler Toledo AB204-S Balance

Mettler Toledo AB204-S Balance

This balance is used for larger sample weights (up to 220 g at a readability of 0.1 mg).

Location: Mines Stable Isotope Laboratory

Mettler Toledo AX26 Deltarange Balance

Mettler Toledo AX26 Deltarange Balance

This microbalance is used for small sample weights (up to 3 g at a readability of 0.002 mg or 21 g at a readability of 0.01 mg).

Location: Mines Stable Isotope Laboratory

Water Purification System for Deionized Water

Millipore Elix Essential 5 UV Water Purification System

Millipore Elix Essential 5 UV Water Purification System

The laboratory is equipped with a Millipore water purification system that provides a constant and reliable source of Type 2 pure water.

Location: Mines Stable Isotope Laboratory